Board of Directors
Elizabeth Reilly, Board Chair
Renee Notkin, Vice Chair
Jaime Cardenas, Treasurer
Hakme Lee, Secretary
Curt Archambault, Immediate Past Chair
Members at Large
Josh Post
Anders Thomas
Erik Wilson-Weiberg
MJ Kiser, ILC Liaison
Pastor Priscilla Paris-Austin, Ex-Officio
Shawna McMahon, Staff
Join the Board of Directors!
- Our board is looking for new members to advance the mission of ICS.
- Find more information and apply here.
Join a Committee!
Looking for other ways to get involved? Join a committee! As a small organization with a small staff, we rely on volunteers to help further our mission! We have several committees looking for additional members. Committees include: Diversity & Inclusion, Finance, Events. Email for more information.
2024 ICS Board of Directors